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Valley Presbyterian Infant Center 

Angel Babies 3 months  - 12 months of age

Savior Seedlings - 12 months  - 18 months of age

PLEASE NOTE: Families must submit a complete packet and visit the campus prior to enrolling. Additional documents will be provided during the visit.


Registration Fees:

$300 Registration fee

$200 Enrollment fee

Registration Forms Required:

2023-2024 Infant/Toddler Contract

Physician's Report (must be completed by child's physician)

Child's Preadmission Health History

Consent and Release from Liability

Consent for Medical Treatment

Identification and Emergency Information

Notification of Parents' Rights

Personal Rights

Effects of Lead Poisoning (read only)

Receipt of Lead Poisoning Warning

Infant Sleeping Plan

Angel Babies Needs and Services Plan (applicable for 3 mos - 12 mos)

Angel Babies Feeding and Diapering Plan(applicable for 3 mos - 12 mos)

Savior's Seedlings Needs and Services Plan (applicable for 12 mos - 17 mos)  

Savior's Seedlings Feeding and Diapering Plan (applicable for 12 mos - 17 mos)


Mandatory Supplies:

*Infant Earthquake Kit

*Angel Babies Supply List

*Savior's Seedling Supply List